While my personal story and those like it have been repeated ad naseum over the past several years of unprecedented football program success I think it is appropriate, nay necessary, to maintain some persective. For the purposes of this conversation I will not relitigate the littany of mistakes the department and University at-large have made over the decades preceding my experience. For reference, I grew up on the metal bleachers of Fogelman Arena in 1994-1995. My first football game was a “dip our toe in the water” experiment in 1997 against Rice before getting season tickets the next season and onward.
I’ve experienced it from all angles. I’ve been in it deep, as a staffer. I’ve come out on the other end as a donor and fan preaching the Green Wave gospel to my 3 young children (who God willing, will never experience a 3rd down punt). I’ve spent more hours than I care to count fully enveloped in losing football. Worse, losing football with no plan out. My fandom is certainly not unique amongst our diehards and I prefer it that way.
To that end, it is important to note that never before has this program been so positioned for success (whether or not the University is able to retain Jon Sumrall). The infrastructure relative to NIL, salary pool, and HC salary commitments made to the this staff and the previous have rendered the ability to attract talent (coaching AND student-athlete) to a level unseen in this sport at this institution in the modern era. We attract and retain P5/P4 talent at a level matched by only a handful of group of 5 programs.
Does the end to this season sting? Damn straight. And for that (the sting, not the losses) I am so dang thankful. Our expectations as a fan base-as investors, are at a place that many of us did not think possible. The passion expressed for this program over the tenures of the last two coaching staffs is real and enduring, I hope. We are making in-roads developing and growing a local fanbase. You may not see it, but walk around New Orleans and you can feel it. It does not and will not happen overnight, but things are better. There is progress. Call me pollyanna, but momentum is real and the bandwagon is open for business. For instance, having local and national social media talent invested, even if superficially, is a good thing. We should embrace every eyeball we get. Those of you who know me, know my passion for this program, this department, and this institution. We are not in a position to gate-keep fandom, and frankly we should not accept it. Do I love how every keyboard warrior expresses their fandom? Of course not, but you can be sure it’s better than the alternative. Passion is passion and should be embraced.
What I will not and you should not accept is a return to the way things were. Hiring a coach because “he will stay” is not acceptable. There are only a handful of jobs in the country that can enjoy their existence free from worry whether their coach will one day leave for another opportunity. We are not one. We are not close to being one. Retain Jon Sumrall for as long as we can. Who knows if that’ll be for another day, another week or another decade. Then hire the next guy, and the next, and the next. Positioning ourselves and actively pursuing power conference affiliation should be our north star. Until that point, maximizing and continuously increasing resources is crucial. We HAVE to punch above our weight.
Returning to the wilderness is not an option — there may be no return this time. Give to Fear the Wave and give to the Green Wave Club. As our very own Jake Weinstock recently related to me in conversation, and I am paraphrasing, it’s time for everyone to stretch — for some that’s six figures and for some that’s $50. It all matters. Roll Wave.
By Zach Frosch
Wll said! Thank you.
Great article. My fan journey started when I was 12 in 1972 and Bennie Ellender came to DeRidder High to speak at our FB sports banquet. He was recruiting my brother. My brother attended the 1972 LSU where TU fell 1 yd short as time ran out in Tulane Stadium. He was on the 1973 team that won 14-0, ending a 24 yr L streak. In my first ten years as a fan (student from 77-81) we beat LSU at home twice and I was in attendance at 1983 game in Tiger Stadium when we scored in the last min for a 31-28 win. Speaking of transfer portals I felt a temporary transfer into football heaven. How would I…
Perfect. Now is our time! Tulane tough!
Great article. We all need to maintain perspective. While the end of the season has been disappointing, we are leagues beyond where we were for the last 20 years before Willie and Jon, and have an amazing opportunity to build on that. I am highly bullish that we are building a program with real staying power and we all have to remember where we were, truly appreciate where we are now, and be excited about what we can become.
Thanks we all needed that. The crowd on thanksgiving night is a great building block. RWR